jsoup Java HTML Parser release 1.18.1


jsoup 1.18.1 is out now, with a new streaming parser that provides a hybrid DOM + SAX event-driven parsing interface, request progress tracking, and many other improvements.

jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of HTML5 DOM methods and CSS selectors.

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  • Stream Parser: A StreamParser provides a progressive parse of its input. For URL requests, available via Connection.Response.streamParser(). As each Element is completed, it is emitted via a Stream or Iterator interface. Elements returned will be complete with all their children, and an (empty) next sibling, if applicable. Elements (or their children) may be removed from the DOM during the parse, for e.g. to conserve memory, providing a mechanism to parse an input document that would otherwise be too large to fit into memory, yet still providing a DOM interface to the document and its elements. Additionally, the parser provides a selectFirst(String query) / selectNext(String query), which will run the parser until a hit is found, at which point the parse is suspended. It can be resumed via another select() call, or via the stream() or iterator() methods. #2096 (with examples)
  • Download Progress: added a Response Progress event interface, which reports progress and URLs are downloaded (and parsed). Set via Connection.onResponseProgress(). Supported on both a session and a single connection level. #2164, #656
  • Added Path accepting parse methods: Jsoup.parse(Path), Jsoup.parse(path, charsetName, baseUri, parser), etc. #2055
  • Updated the button tag configuration to include a space between multiple button elements in the Element.text() method. #2105
  • Added support for the ns|* all elements in namespace Selector. #1811
  • When normalising attribute names during serialization, invalid characters are now replaced with _, vs being stripped. This should make the process clearer, and generally prevent an invalid attribute name being coerced unexpectedly. #2143


  • Removed previously deprecated internal classes and methods. #2094
  • Build change: the built jar's OSGi manifest no longer imports itself. #2158

Bug Fixes

  • When tracking source positions, if the first node was a TextNode, its position was incorrectly set to -1. #2106
  • When connecting (or redirecting) to URLs with characters such as {, } in the path, a Malformed URL exception would be thrown (if in development), or the URL might otherwise not be escaped correctly (if in production). The URL encoding process has been improved to handle these characters correctly. #2142
  • When using W3CDom with a custom output Document, a Null Pointer Exception would be thrown. #2114
  • The :has() selector did not match correctly when using sibling combinators (like e.g.: h1:has(+h2)). #2137
  • The :empty selector incorrectly matched elements that started with a blank text node and were followed by non-empty nodes, due to an incorrect short-circuit. #2130
  • Element.cssSelector() would fail with "Did not find balanced marker" when building a selector for elements that had a ( or [ in their class names. And selectors with those characters escaped would not match as expected. #2146
  • Updated Entities.escape(string) to make the escaped text suitable for both text nodes and attributes (previously was only for text nodes). This does not impact the output of Element.html() which correctly applies a minimal escape depending on if the use will be for text data or in a quoted attribute. #1278
  • Fuzz: a Stack Overflow exception could occur when resolving a crafted <base href> URL, in the normalizing regex. #2165

My sincere thanks to everyone who contributed patches, suggestions, and bug reports. If you have any suggestions for the next release, I would love to hear them; please get in touch via jsoup discussions, or with me directly.

You can also follow me (@jhy@tilde.zone) on Mastodon / Fediverse to receive occasional notes about jsoup releases.