Maintaining a request session


You want to perform multiple HTTP requests using the same configuration, and retain cookies across these requests.


Use the Jsoup.newSession() method to create a new session, represented by the Connection interface:

// Create a new session with settings applied to all requests:
Connection session = Jsoup.newSession()  
    .timeout(45 * 1000)  
    .maxBodySize(5 * 1024 * 1024);  
// Make the first request:  
Document req1 = session.newRequest("")  
    .data("auth-code", "my-secret-token")  
// Make a following request with the same settings, and cookies set from req1:
Document req2 = session.newRequest("")


The session created by newSession() supports making multiple requests with the same configuration. Any request-level settings applied on that session will be applied to each actual request.

Cookies set by responses to those requests will be kept in a cookie jar for use in later requests.

The newRequest(String url) method returns a Connection object that is pre-configured with the session settings, but those settings can be overridden for that specific request.

Sessions are thread-safe, meaning multiple threads can call newRequest() on the same session concurrently. Each request object should only be used by a single worker thread at once.

The session's cookie store is accessible via Connection.cookieStore(). This is maintained in memory for the lifetime of the session. For longer sessions, you can save the cookie store to disk by serializing it.